Friday, 22 November 2013

Things to consider...

We have been given the most important things to consider when pitching our ideas for our advertisements. The main three things that we need to know are:

1. Who are your target audience?
My target audience are both males and females around 16-23, different ethnicities- mainly English and Asian and of a higher class. I chose both males and females as I wanted to appeal to a wider target audience, as well as this the ratio of males and females were fairly equal so I want to be able to target both. I think around the ages of 16-23 because I am mainly targeting students that are interested in the latest fashion. My target audience is mainly English and Asian as they are the people that mostly answered my survey, as well as this, I want to show a mix of ethnicities. I chose to target higher class so that my clothing could be of higher quality and valued more by my target audience, this is evidently going to be students from wealthy families.

2. What is the meaning of your advertisements?
The meaning of my advertisements is that Morale clothing gives you confidence, I want to convey the message that the clothing gives you a self-esteem boost and that you're superior/admired if you buy the clothing.

3. How is this meaning constructed?
The meaning of my advertisements is constructed by the use of low angle shots showing models to be superior, also the use of close up's showing happy facial expressions to convey that they are comfortable and confident in their clothing. Moreover, the development of before they wear Morale clothing and whilst they are wearing it also makes this evident, as well as the reactions from people around them.

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